Saturday, August 14, 2010

The worse Chow Chow grooming video I have ever seen

The video below is a fairly poor one to use to show the grooming on a Chow Chow. I picked it to point out some major flaws that are shown in the video. First the video shows a line up of tools used to groom the Chow. They show clipper blades. This is a BIG no-no for using on the breed if you plan on doing a show groom. Clipping is against the AKC rules for a Chow Chow. The video points to a book that shows the grooming and clipping areas, again a no-no. I guess they show a book to stay away from. Next they have a very poor quality dog with a minimal Chow coat to demonstrate the grooming. I did not like the remark from the groomer that stated "this is not your typical Chow, this one is a love bug." My guess is that she does not know many Chows.

The end result is a hideous clip job that leaves the Chows body venerable to heat and sunburn. Chows are NEVER clipped that close to the skin. I use to do a "summer" clip to my own Chows years ago and I left at least a 1.5" length of hair all over their bodies.